Property Details

Listing no. N07239

Commercial space - popular cafe in the heart of Decin

Ústecký kraj kraj, Děčín, Děčín IV-Podmokly, Labské nábř.
2 950 000 CZK per property

Property Description

Located in the heart of Decin near one of the city's major tourist destinations - the via ferrata climbing wall - this charming cafe is highly visible. The unit (114 sq m) has been remodeled in the previous five years. The layout includes a front room with a service counter, toilet facilities, and a back area for food storage and prep. There are two large display windows on the main road. Private parking is available behind the building. The cafe is fully equipped and ready to go. Central electric heat. Privately owned. Monthly dues to the building maintenance fund are 2,280 CZK, property management 110 CZK.

Martin Tonder

Tel.: +420 412 514 521

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